Why exactly does OSRS still matter today when we are very close to 2024? If you are reading this, chances are that you are either a seasoned player or someone who has heard about OSRS but never had time to dig deep. This article is the last one for 2023 which seeks to answer: Is Old School RuneScape (OSRS) worth playing in 2024?
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What is Old School RuneScape?
To this day, it remains popular; it’s simply the older version of RuneScape. It was a fascinating tale: initially released in 2001 as a 2D MMORPG called Runescape, it underwent a major visual overhaul in 2004 that ushered it into three-dimensional mode. As such came about RuneScape Classic vis-à-vis what we now know as RuneScape 3.The game attracted countless thousand fans through features on top gaming sites and being accessible at places like school computer labs.
However, not all updates were well-received. This led to many people withdrawing from the game following controversial changes like Evolution of Combat in 2012 and microtransactions. In response to the community demand, Jagex resurrected the 2007 version of RuneScape which became OSRS. RuneScape 3 is still there but OSRS outnumbers it in player volume hence influencing content in both variants.
Why OSRS Still Matters in 2024
But that’s not all: it has a simple, nostalgic appeal that makes it one of my all-time favorite video games. The year 2023 brought about some huge updates that have breathed life back into the game. Some highlights include:
New Bosses and Items: A range training method called The Phantom Musa and a staple for bossing setups called The Venator Bow.
Wilderness Rework: Refreshed bosses and new weapons to revitalize the Wilderness.
Quest Speedrunning: This is a new way you can engage with quests and has prizes as well as cosmetics.
Bounty Hunter Update: PvP mode with unique items available only through competition.
Dead Man Apocalypse: PVP with awesome boss drops.
Forestry Update: It was an attempt to make Woodcutting better but not everyone bought into it.
Desert Treasure 2 was arguably the biggest update; here four new bosses were introduced along with game-changing items. There was also the release of Warp Scepter filling a gap in magic weapons during the year.
Looking Forward to 2024
Early 2024 will see Valmore unveiled inclusive of new quests, Hunter Guild, and Fortis Coliseum. Also on the horizon are mid-level boss teaching important mechanics as well as introducing Rat Bane weapons. This year is expected to feature what will be perhaps the most-awaited update yet – Sailing skill introduced into Runescape.
Why I Love Osrs
You can play games at your own pace on OSRS, which encourages friendships and camaraderie. It is a game that develops but does not change its basic simplicity and allure.
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